06 September 2008

Children~ future @ present.

Last fortnight death was not something that happened to others, it was a neighbor, constant companion…almost touching every part of the body; of every body who got in touch with river Kosi.

Kosi has started to settle down; people are coming out from places which shielded them from Kosi…uncertain about what the future holds for them.
Children bring hope, they are the “beginning” one looks at, when everything around you tends to end.
Three children were born in the last twos day at relief camps :)

One child will have ‘chatthi’ ( 6th day celebration after birth ) today… and there is happiness around...amazing to see how even an iota of happiness
spreads around in a sea of distressed humanity at the camps.

...and around 200 mothers are expecting babies in the days to come :)

The floods are not over yet…its still bad…but these are glimpses of
hope, of happiness .. lifts you up.

Those of you who want to send clothes, try to get clothes for children, colorful bright clothes.
Happy dresses !

Those who want to send medicines, try to get Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate tablets. Preferrebly in blister packs of 10’s 25's or 100’s. ;
These are water purification tablets for hand pumps, tube wells and large water tanks.

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Anonymous said...

Hi Chandan,

Me and my colleagues are collecting money will be handing over the collected amount to Prayaas by next week. Hopefully some medicines could be bought using that money..

Anonymous said...

Sure Rakesh! Your money will be fully utilized for the cause.